How Long Do Frogs Live – Frog Lifespan

Frogs can make great pets. But before you bring home one of these amazing animals you need to ask yourself, how long do frogs live? 

A frog’s lifespan can vary greatly depending on the species but many of them can live very long lives. You need to take this into consideration as you should be prepared to take care of the animal for the duration of its life before you bring one home.

How Long do Frogs Live - Frog Lifespan
Hehaden, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr

How Long Do Frogs Live?

Frogs can live for a very long time but the exact duration they can live for will vary depending on what species of frog it is.

Frogs do not live as long in the wild as they do when cared for properly in captivity. This is due to a number of reasons such as predators, the element, disease and habitat destruction.

A typical lifespan for many species of frogs in the wild is around 3-6 years. However, it is not uncommon for the same species to live for over 10 years in captivity, with some frogs having a lifespan of over 20 years.

How Long do Frogs Live in the Wild?

As mentioned previously, frogs tend to have a much shorter lifespan in the wild as they do in captivity. This is due to a number of reasons which we will discuss in more detail.

Frog Lifespan due to Predators

One of the most obvious factors that influence how long frogs live in the wild is the presence of predators which aren’t a factor in captivity.

No species of frogs are on the top of the food chain and are often preyed on by larger animals. 

Even many species of poisonous frogs aren’t safe. While their toxins are designed to protect them from predators, these predators can sometimes evolve also and become immune or tolerant to the toxins.

Frog Lifespan due to Disease

This is something that can affect both wild animals and animals kept as pets. Disease is always a danger and has been known to wipe out entire populations of frogs.

There are a number of diseases that can affect a wide variety of frog species. Some of these can have deadly consequences for native frog species.

Probably the most well-known of these viruses is Ranavirus. This disease can cause internal bleeding and death.

Another illness seen in frogs is Perkinsea Infection. This disease causes bloating in tadpoles which can eventually lead to organ failure.

Frog Lifespan due to Habitat Destruction

Destruction of habitat is having a very negative effect on both frog lifespan and the number of frogs remaining in the wild.

There are a number of ways humans are interfering with a frog’s habitat. Urbanization is eating away at some of the frog’s prime habitat.

Farming, pollution and deforestation are also having a negative effect on these frogs. All these aspects can have a negative effect on how long frogs live.

How Long do Frogs Live in Captivity?

The lifespan of a frog can greatly increase in captivity as they are not exposed to the same risks that they may encounter in the wild.

As mentioned, in the wild, frogs have to deal with disease, pollution, urbanisation and predators. All of these can have a negative effect on how long these frogs live.

In captivity, frogs can have a longer lifespan as they are not exposed to these threats. However, this is of course dependant on the level of care that the frog receives by its owner.

How Long Do Frogs Live by Species

How long do frogs live can be influenced by a wide number of factors. Different species of frogs can live for different lengths of time. We will look at some of the common species below.

American Bullfrog

In the wild an American Bullfrog can live for around 10 years. They can live longer in captivity with the frog’s lifespan increasing to around 16 years.

American Toad

In the wild an American Toad can live for around 10 years. They can live longer in captivity with the frog’s lifespan increasing dramatically. They have been known to live to 30 years.

Cane Toad

In the wild a Cane Toad can live for around 10 years. They can live longer in captivity with the frog’s lifespan increasing up to 15 years.

Common Frog

In the wild a Common Frog can live for around 5 years. They can live for around 10 years in captivity.

Common Toad

In the wild a Common Toad can live for around 10 years. They have been reported to survive for up to 40 years in captivity. However, this would be very rare with around 20 years being more common.

Goliath Frog

In the wild a Goliath Frog can live for around 15 years. They can live longer in captivity with the frog’s lifespan increasing to around 20 years.

Pacman Frog

In the wild a Pacman Frog can live for around 4 years. They can live longer in captivity with the frog’s lifespan increasing to around 8 years.